intro corner

Welcome to the History Corner!  Here you will learn more about the history of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, the Congregational Archives, and the ways our current Ministry connects across cultures and time to the life of Frances Schervier.


intro annals


Annals 1840 - 1876

To read the Annals:
- Access the private area through the “Community” button
- Click the link below after accessing the reserved area

 >> Annals 1840 - 1876

stacco nn

The idea for the History Corner grew out of the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 when we were unable to gather in person to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Congregation. Despite our physical distance we can still celebrate the rich history of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor. 

Join us as we reflect on our past and look forward to our future.


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