Consecrated Celibacy


Our vow of consecrated celibacy calls us to unite ourselves to the persons of the Trinity.
Our growth in celibate love moves us to live in deeper love with all of God's creation.
We nurture a Trinitarian and creative love through faithfulness to the Eucharist, to prayer, to Scripture and to human relationships.
Moved by God's healing love for us, we respond and become instruments of healing love for others.
In imitation of the total response of Mary to God's Word, we give ourselves completely to Jesus and to His love which embraces all people.



Our life of poverty urges us as Franciscan Sisters of the Poor to seek God as our All.
We use, enjoy, and reverence created things. We thank God for these gifts to us and claim nothing as our own.
We become more open and dependent upon God's providence and not upon the apparent riches around us.
As a sign of our relationship with God and creation, we share all that is given us with joy.
We understand gospel poverty to be radical detachment from all things through a complete dependence upon, and trust in, God's providence.
We exercise stewardship of God’s Gift of the world to us. We strive for awareness of the effects of technology on God’s creation.
By the vow of poverty each of us foregoes the independent use and disposition of material goods.



Our life of obedience challenges us to listen attentively to the word of God and to respond to it as individuals and as a community.
Our growth in obedience is furthered by listening to the Spirit of God as revealed to us through the Church and our congregation as well as through prayer and the persons and events in our lives.
We follow Jesus who learned obedience by suffering and submitted His will to that of His Father.
By emptying ourselves and surrendering in love to God's way, we prepare ourselves to be gradually formed in Christ.




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