vitacomunita2For St. Francis, Community since the beginning was understood as a gift. St. Francis says in his Testament: “The Lord gave me some friars as gifts” and wants the friars to be called “minor” from the beginning.
The Community never considered itself as a privileged group or as being better than others. Within the Community there is room for everyone, whether poor, rich, educated or illiterate...
In the Community, each one is equal and cares about everyone else. The care is directed in a special way toward the poor – lepers, sick, thieves.  Creation participates in this communion, and Francis calls all into this relationship as brothers and sisters: the birds, the wolf, the moon, the sun, worms, rocks and even death. We can say that Francis was the first one to sing and praise the Community of Life.

Community is a gift

So, how can we live this out NOW? How and where can we bring about places for COMMUNION AND CARE? We need to take up this great challenge in order to build our future:

Generate compassion and hope in the Community of life


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