
Walking in the footsteps of Mother Frances and our early sisters, you are embarking on a journey that will transform your lives in a way yet unseen and un-thought of by you.

Let your heart beat with joy at coming to your roots.

Pray for openness to the Spirit that your heart may be touched by the same fire of Love for Jesus in the poor and suffering as was the heart of Jesus, the heart of Mother Frances.

Your journey is an opportunity to join in their embrace.

For this journey you can refer to the book “The Life of Frances Schervier – Words are not enough” by Petra Fietzek.

If you want a copy of the book “The Life of Frances Schervier” by Petra Fietzek, you ca contact us HERE
Read the booklet “Pilgrimage to Aachen" PDF version HERE


Between Two Worlds

mondi 0Despite her parents’ protectiveness of Frances, she saw the difference of life between the poor and the rich, and was distressed by what she saw. Her feelings of compassion for the poor tormented her until she found an...

Same Wavelength

onda 0Fr. Istas and Mother Frances had forged a strong and fruitful friendship, united in their experiences among the poor and their love for the poor Jesus within them. Each had personal gifts and aptitudes that prepared them...

Crossing the Threshold

versosi 0Following Jesus one step at a time can be challenging.  Often, we want to know the end of the plan; we want to know for sure how things will turn out.  But prudence also dictates that we do not rush headlong into doing...

Beggars and Prostitutes

mend 0The Sisters began their life together caring for the sick in their own homes, and later, began to take in prostitutes.  It was their work with these “lost women” that moved the Sisters into a state of rejection...

Program for Life

prog 0By making themselves available to care for the victims of the cholera and smallpox epidemics, the Sisters began to win over the love and admiration of those who were wealthy and poor alike. Despite the “perplexities...

Indifference, Antagonism and Illness

cura 0Mother Frances protected the Congregation from state supervision, and held firmly to the purpose of the Congregation and the freedom of the church.  She worked with and through the evolving growth in government...

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

dec 0The charity of Mother Frances knew no bounds when she sent five Sisters and one Postulant to America to minister to the poor German immigrants in Cincinnati, OH, far away in America.  The Congregation was still young and...

Off to America

amer 0Finally, able to journey to America herself, Mother Frances was joined by three Sisters and a Postulant as they traveled first to Paris, then to Le Havre, and finally on to Southampton, England, before beginning...

Wartime Labors

lazar 0When war broke out in northern Germany, The Knights of Malta and Queen Augusta implored Mother Frances to send the Sisters to care for the wounded soldiers.  The concerns of Mother Frances were numerous...

Caught Up in Kulturkampf

kultur 0Bedridden for months by another attack of asthma, the doctor recommendd a change of air for Mother Frances, and she finally acquiesed to the urging of a benefactor to go to Lourdes.  “Either I will be cured or I will die.”  Slowly...


addio 0By February, 1876, there seemed to be so much to which Mother Frances needed to say “goodbye”:  The Kulturkampf situation became more and more critical.  The Sisters could not take in any new Postulants...


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