gee m"Not to hurt our humble brethren (the animals)
Is our first duty to them,
but to stop there is not enough.
We have a higher mission:
To be of service to them whenever they require it."
S. Francis of Assisi

 The responsibility to foster ecological literacy flows from the witness of St. Francis’ sensory love of creation and his journey into the Incarnation.


Franciscan Ecological Literacy

ecologia francescanaDavid Orr, the preeminent American philosopher of environmental education, coined the term “ecological literacy” to mean the ability to understand and...

Adult Spirituality

the ecology and usThese grim realities challenge our understanding of faith and invite us to an adult spirituality.To generate compassion for the community of life requires us to address...

Climate Justice

DesertificazioneThe disruption of the Earth’s climate shows every indication of being the most serious problem facing the human family in the 21st century. The scope of negative impacts...

Global Ecology and Religion

FlowersHow relevant is religion in the context of the worldwide ecological problem that we are experiencing? Many climate researchers are sounding the alarm...


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