Our lifetime here on earth is like sowing seed. The more carefully we sow here, the better and richer the harvest will be.
(Blessed Frances Schervier)


In 2008, as the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, we celebrated our General Chapter.

We want you to know that a ‘General Chapter’ means a designated, sacred time for representatives of a religious congregation to be together -- to identify and choose their direction for the next several years.


It is also a time of deep, prayerful discernment together.


In corporate terminology a General Chapter is a type of ‘visioning retreat.’

This site is our joy to present a series of conversations and interviews that seek to deepen the meaning of the direction set by the General Chapter:


"Generate compassion and hope in the community of life"


Community of Life


 Community and Hope



 New Cosmology


 Science and Life




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