The signs that encircle our lives are bearers of our future. They challenge us, ready or not, to move beyond our comfort zones. Signs expand our horizons, penetrate our souls, and call us to be more than we are. One such sign, truly a sign of our times is the global hunger for spirituality.

What do we mean by the term spirituality? In many people’s minds, it conjures up images such as holy, pious, mystical or even New Age. However, spirituality actually expresses the deepest burning desires of our heart.
Spirituality is not an individual choice for us: everyone is spiritual! The desires of the heart are expressed through the daily choices we make and the actions of our lives. It is through choices and life actions that our spirits come alive and our souls speak.

Spiritual hunger is expressed by the burning desire for an inner strength to know how best to face life, the yearning for peace of mind in the chaotic pace of the world, and the experience of freedom from the  feelings of fears and anxieties that beset all of us. But perhaps the greatest indicator of our need for a grounding spirituality is the insatiable hunger for the healing of our wounds, hurts and brokenness.


Spiritualità francescana e claritana


spir 7



Spirituality of St. Francis
and St. Claire
with Mother Francis
Blessed Frances
Healing Charism Today


spir 5


spir 6



Meditations for Easter Time
Biblical Journey
Women and Church




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