A fabulous and powerful experience

Suor Maria Helena Carvalho, SFPI begin by recalling a passage I once read about how our perception of the world, others, and everything else takes place within and among ourselves. Our personal and professional performance will never be greater than our self-esteem and self-image. Our self-image is how we subjectively see ourselves, whereas our self-esteem relates to how we feel about ourselves. Our brain responds to what is sent to it through our senses  which in turn are fed and stimulated.

The Shadow in the MiddleThis year we have all been stimulated and encouraged to use the Healing Calendar and  exercise our perceptions in various ways to tune into our being and stretch our ability to understand our world. These experiences widen our inner sense of self and help us relate more harmoniously with everything around us.

For me it has been rewarding to take time to consider the themes and ideas that the Calendar offers us each month – especially during the month of September, which focuses on  HEALING.  I wonder if there is anyone who does not feel the need to be healed.  Who has in his or her life never needed to be healed?  It certainly is the primary need for all of us, in all aspects of our being, both physically and spiritually.

Doing the proposed exercises has been a fabulous and powerful experience for me.  From time to time I have talked with other people in Brazil to learn about how they are living and experiencing the content of the calendar. The response has always been very positive.  I thank everyone who was involved in the preparation of this resource, which has proved to be very helpful to so many people.

Fraternally yours,
Sister Maria Helena Carvalho, SFP


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