
A small group of Sisters came to the United States from Germany in 1858 to minister to the poor and sick. Sisters in the United States work in a variety of different ministries.



  • The “Small Voice” Within Us

    jub 00In preparation for our 2024 Jubilee, a small group of the apartment dwellers on St. Clare Campus discerned together to undertake some group opportunities to...

  • Mary Ann Brownlee

    mary ann 00Mary Ann Brownlee, passed away at the age of 93 on Sunday, January 7, 2024, in Fredericksburg, Texas. She was born October 29, 1930, in Detroit, Michigan, to Chester and Cecilia McFadden. Mary Ann was a dear...

  • The Celebration of the 50th anniversary in Cincinnati

    bic24 00The celebration was held at St. Clare Chapel and Schervier Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA on April 28, 2024.  This joyous occasion was the culmination...

  • Sr. Madeline Marie Hill

    madeline 0Sr. Madeline Marie Hill was foremost, a woman of faith, deeply in love with the poor of the world. She lived her life as a pilgrim and “simple” servant, willing to go wherever God called her. Empowered by the strength and...

  • Sr. Betty Ann Igo, SFP

    betty 0Sr. Betty Ann Igo was a woman touched by the Holy Spirit with the power to heal hearts and souls through her involvement in the Charismatic Renewal and the Christian Healing ministry. Though she seemed...

  • Sr. June Georgia Casterton, SFP

    june 00Sr. June was a remarkable woman of God. The portrait of her entire life reflects a woman who used her gifts and skills to better people’s lives and make God tangibly present. June was born to Cory and Emma Eiter Casterton on...

  • Inter-cultural Laughter

    rmc0The visit of Sr. Wilma Molinari to the US recently enabled an evening of joy, laughter and multicultural fun. While others were watching the competitive sport of football and...

  • Sr. M. Grace Frances Strauber, SFP

    m grace 00Sister Grace Frances thought her life as a Sister would consist mostly of prayer and penance. This proved to be true, but not quite in the way she had originally anticipated. Instead, her life was characterized by a deep spirit of prayer...

  • James William Traynor

    jt 00James William Traynor, 71 years old. He was born October 19, 1950 in Dayton, Ohio, passed away peacefully April 9, 2022 surrounded by love. James was a great man, whom many called their friend...

  • Sr. M. Pascaline Colling, SFP

    m pascaline 0Sr. Mary Pascaline Colling was a woman of amazing talent and energy, pouring out her life in compassion for others and service to the poor and elderly. Her many accomplishments are an illustration of the parable of...

  • Richard “Dick” Kuntz

    rk 00Dick was an Associate of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor for 23 years. Dick was married for 59 years to Cecilia and was the father of three children, Thomas, Theresa and Julia. He enjoyed his four grandchildren and...

  • Sr. Mary Louise Jacobs, SFP

    mlj 00Simplicity, service and kindness - these are the words that describe the life of Sr. Mary Louise Jacobs. She was the last of the mendicant sisters, those who would go to the public markets to collect goods and money, to...

  • Robert E. (Bob) Reis

    robert 00Bob came to know the Sisters at St. Clare Convent in Cincinnati when he worked at Gibson card company and would bring extra cards to the convent. He moved closer to the convent to attend daily Mass...

  • Joan E. (Joni) Steiner

    joan 00Joni passed peacefully to God on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 11, 2001, in Cincinnati, OH. She was 71 years old. Before retiring, Joni was a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Pain Management and worked many years...

  • Donald and Marian Spencer “Spirit of America” Nonprofit Award Winner

    tamar w 00Franciscan Ministries is being honored for their work in the Tamar’s Center program. Tamar’s Center serves women who suffer from addiction and are being exploited through human sex trafficking...

  • Sr. Anita McArdle, SFP

    anita 00Sr. Anita’s passion for life itself was fulfilled by her commitment to Jesus, her desire to be a faithful follower of St. Francis, St. Clare and Blessed Frances Schervier, Foundress of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor...

  • Ministry with Children and Young Adults

    hc2 00Today the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor works with children and young adults in a variety of ministries.  This work is rooted in the ministry of Mother Frances and the early Congregation in Germany.  Mother Frances...

  • Jubilee of Sr. Rita Theresa Kruthaupt, sfp

    rk 00This year, we have only one Jubilee in the US Area, Sr. Rita T Kruthaupt as she celebrates 70 years as a Franciscan Sisters of the Poor. Sr. Rita was born in Franklin, Indiana not too far from Cincinnati but claims Brookville as her hometown...

  • Sr. M. Frances Rose Kregg, SFP

    frances rose 00A true daughter of St. Francis, Sr. Frances Rose saw God’s presence in every person and in all of creation.  In the footsteps of Mother Frances, she was a sister to those experiencing poverty, and God’s love for all was the Root and Source of her deep love for all...

  • Joan Hock

    joan 00Joan was born and educated in Cincinnati, OH. After raising four children with her husband, Robert Hock, Joan graduated with honors from the University of Cincinnati. She then spent the next 30 years sharing her many gifts, talents, and herself as...


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